Initiative: Feminism in India
Organization: #UnstereotypeCinema and #IndianWomenInHistory
Facebook: @feminisminindia
Twitter: @feminisminindia
Location: Delhi, India

Feminism in India (FII) is an awardwinning digital intersectional feminist platform to learn, educate and develop a feminist consciousness among the youth. It is required to unravel the F-word and demystify all the negativity surrounding it. FII amplifies the voices of women and marginalised communities using the tools of art, media, culture and technology community. #UnstereotypeCinema is a campaign by FII, supported by Oxfam India, to take a hard look at the films filling theatres today, and look at how they contribute to a society of violence and rape culture. This campaign attempted to break the normalisation of sexism and misogyny in films by using a mixture of videos, infographics and social media chats to discuss it. Another notable social media campaign by FII #IndianWomeninHistory celebrated the contributions of India women who created a permanent space for themselves through their achievements.