Project Title : Youth Ki Awaaz
Organisation : Youth Ki Awaaz
Website : http://www.youthkiawaaz.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/youthkiawaaz
Twitter : @YouthKiAwaaz
Organisation : Youth Ki Awaaz
Website : http://www.youthkiawaaz.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/youthkiawaaz
Twitter : @YouthKiAwaaz

Youth Ki Awaaz, an online and mobile platform is a citizen media initiative for young people to express themselves. The portal is striving to transform the media landscape through opinions contributed by the youth, and by making use of online and mobile journalism, social and new media tools.
- India’s largest online platform for young people to voice themselves on issues
- Opinions by young people are amplified throughout social media
- Average 5,000 views per article
- The Youth Ki Awaaz Internship program mentors about 30 participants over the course of 8 weeks on skills to express and address issues better through social media
- The portal also runs campaigns which aims to open doors for those who care to engage with the powerful, social and relevant organizations
- Reaches out to nearly 200,000 young Indians every month and receive 6 million hits on the website
- World Summit Youth Award, 2010; the United Nations ITU Young Innovators Competition, 2012; Best Community Blog in India, by Indi Blogger 2013

Project Title : Human Welfare Association – MAHILA SHAKTI
Website : http://www.hwavaranasi.in
Website : http://www.hwavaranasi.in

Human Welfare Association works with underserved, disadvantaged and minority communities of Varanasi through education, literacy and livelihood by mobilising them through word
of mouth, social networking, mobile SMS and by holding group meetings.1000 women participated in Mahila Shakti project through 40 education centers in 20 villages.
- Human Welfare Association’s project Mahila Shakti aims to facilitate the proper use of ICT for sensitization, training and functional education facilities
- HWA helps its women members with personality development, decision making process
- HWA works with deprived and marginalized community women in rural area of Varanasi in 53 villages
- HWA provides means and capacity for the beneficiaries’ livelihood with socio-economic and political empowerment
- 1000 women participated in Mahila Shakti project through 40 education centers in 20 villages
- Additional 1000 women will soon be integral part of the federation from 20 nearby villages of education centre
- HWA has initiated block level networking with government education officials to build community rapport
- Mahila Shakti initiative has started the Instructive radio instruction (IRI) program for learning English to educate Muslim children
- HWA has formed more than 100 women Self-help groups
- 1024 women are associated with the organization in their education initiatives
- HWA targets dropouts and Madarsa going children for digital literacy and English learning

Project Title : Chinh Early education web channel
Organisation : Chinh India
Website : http://chinh.in
Organisation : Chinh India
Website : http://chinh.in
CHINH in a Sanskrit word meaning “the symbol”. Chinh represents phoenix like strength, amazing culture, unassuming life skills and humane traditions of India – an initiative to reposition local in global. Chinh supports social initiatives promoting causes of children and marginalised nomadic communities through harnessing traditional wisdom, art and culture and rediscovering them in contemporary contexts. Chinh’s social media presence including associated blogs and video channels has recorded upward of 400,000 page views.
- Chinh Early Education Web Channel’s prime focus is to create media space for quality children programming
- Through Early Education Web Channel, Chinh showcase to the world a new grammar of social change happening in deep layers of remote corners
- Regular programming of Chinh includes Rural Media Literacy and Children Voices on various children issues, among others
- Chinh’s 70 percent of the children programming on the web channel is produced by the children themselves
- Chinh regularly organises Chinh India Festival as a media literacy campaign in urban and rural India, mobilising children to participate and make digital videos
- Chinh’s Web channel is seen in 87 countries
- Chinh’s social media presence including associated blogs and video channels has recorded upward of 400,000 page views
- Chinh produces audio visual based curriculum as e-learning tool
Special Mentions

Project Title : Vidya Poshak
Organisation : Vidya Poshak
Website : http://vidyaposhak.org/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vidyaposhakbgm
Twitter : @vidyaposhak
Organisation : Vidya Poshak
Website : http://vidyaposhak.org/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vidyaposhakbgm
Twitter : @vidyaposhak

Vidya Poshak aims to provide financial assistance to meritorious students who cannot afford to continue their higher education.
The program guides and trains the students towards achieving excellence. More than 12,600 students have been assisted in 19 districts of Karnataka and five districts of Maharashtra.
- Collaborates with institutions with similar objectives
- Vidya Poshak is the brain behind the initiative
- The Nurture Merit program includes financial assistance, library facilities and residential bridge camp
- Areas of operation are Karnataka and Maharashtra
- 12,600 students have been assisted in 19 districts of Karnataka and five districts of Maharashtra
- Resources are generated through individual donors and private organizations
- The Career Readiness initiative is provided as a free service to youth of Karnataka
- Vidya Poshak has invested Rs.12.25+ crores.
- 600 volunteers across 23 districts render their passionate services totally free
- Centre for Development of Soft Skills (C-DOSS) – a training wing to established to reinforce soft skills
- C-DOSS trained 60,000 students, 3466 Teachers and 3834 Employees from more than 300 institutes

Project Title : Peoples Movement for Drought Affecteds using Social Media
Organisation : Drought Help Group, Pune
Website : http://www.DroughtHelpIndia.org
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/droughthelpgroup/
Organisation : Drought Help Group, Pune
Website : http://www.DroughtHelpIndia.org
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/droughthelpgroup/

‘People’s Movement to Help Drought Affected’ links urban donors and drought affected villagers directly for long-term social
impact with transparency, accountability using social media. Helps drought affected people by donating water tanks, channelizing the blockages in streams and removing mud from village common ponds.
- Began its journey in February 2013
- The Group has shed light on civilian issues through Facebook campaigns, posters, distributing handbills, explaining the gravity of the drought
- They also organise plays that depict drought with signature campaigns
- The initiative communicates in Hindi, Marathi and English
- The help group operates in 8 districts of Maharashtra
- The campaign has distributed sanitary napkins to adolescent girls due to unavailability of water and hygiene facilities
- They also provide feeds to animals by setting up animal camps in urban water available zones
- The group doesn’t charge for any kind of services neither does it accept donations. It functions on a sustainably built networked ecosystem
- Till date helped with more than Rs. 82, 00,000 of funds directly from donor to needy