1-The mission of DEF is based on practical considerations and realistic visions. Its mission is to inspire individuals and communities to use technology for their own advantages.
2-The mission is to enable communities to be aware and conscious of the utility and necessity to using ICT for their upliftment and empowerment.
3-DEF’s mission is to see widespread development, use, spread, and promotion, and accessibility, affordability of digital content based on cultural specifics or language necessities.
4-The purpose is to bring the content delivery of ICT into limelight. The reason being content comprises the fundamental component of any ICT interventions. If technology inspires, content inspires more and is what ultimately matters in the long run.
5-The larger part of DEF’s mission is to contribute its efforts towards making India an information rich country vis-à-vis the world info society.
6-The mission is to fill in the gaps of digital divide in this country in terms of content gap, information and awareness gap, technology gap, in various intervention modes.
7-DEF’s mission shall be of seeing itself put continuous pressure on the policy framework and formulations pertaining to holistic promotion and growth of ICT and content in this subcontinent. In this drive it shall work along with like minded partners and supporters.
For more info, visit us at-http://defindia.org/