Abhishek Baxi
Digital Consultant, Technology Columnist
Abhishek Baxi is an independent digital consultant and a technology columnist for several leading international publications. He’s an active participant in diverse communities, and lives on the web at www.baxiabhishek.info.
Aditya Gupta
Co-Founder of SocialSamosa.com
Aditya Gupta is the Co-Founder of SocialSamosa.com, an Indian Social Media Knowledge Storehouse. He is also the Co-Founder of iGenero, a web technologies, communication design & digital marketing firm. Aditya Gupta was hooked on the concept of social media since the early days and made sure he was at the forefront of all things new media related. It was during his first job at a startup that he realized the vast potential of social networks, not only as tools for social connections.
Madan Mohan Rao
Research Project Director, Mobile Monday
He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay and completed his advanced studies from University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is M.S. in computer science and a Ph.D. in communications. He works as a consultant and author from Bangalore, in knowledge management and new media. He was formerly the Communications Director at the United Nations Inter Press Service bureau in New York, and vice president at India World Communications in Bombay.
Soumya Sarkar
National Editor,MINT
Soumya Sarkar is News Editor in Mint, a sister publication of the Hindustan Times published in partnership with the Wall Street Journal. He has been working in Media and Communications for over two decades and was previously with The Times of India, The Indian Express Group, the Telegraph and the Down to Earth magazine. He has also worked as development and communications consultant with organizations that include the World Bank and the Aga Khan Development Network.

PK Roy, Advisor, Cybermedia
Aditya Gupta, Co-Founder, Social Samosa
Abhishek Baxi, Digital Consultant, Technology Columnist
Soumya Sarkar, National Editor, Mint
Vishal Kumar, Director, Swaniti initiative
Shubhranshu Chaudhary, Founder, Cgnet Swara
Nilesh Khare, Mumbai Bureau Chief, ABP Maza News Channel
Kapil Gupta, Founder and CEO, OMLogic