Initiative: Factly
Organization: Factly Media & Research
Country: India
Facebook: @factlydotin
Twitter: @factlydotin
Website: www.

FACTLY is a fact-based initiative that aims to create meaningful evidence-based content using public data and information. It creates extensive content in long and short forms, uses illustrations or inforgraphics, and produces audio-visual explainer content on various pertinent issues for the consumption of common citizens as well as journalists and policy makers.

The platforms advocates for more public data residing in public domains rather than in inaccessible government files. It also attempts to change the formatting of presenting the information with tools and aids that technology has made available with the purpose of reaching even a layman with relevant and easy-to-comprehend information.

Social Media is an important part of the distribution and campaign strategy for FACTLY’s content that reaches millions of people through the platforms of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. In the last two years, FACTLY website has been able to receive more than three million views, its YouTube channel has over a million views and 12,000 subscribers, and it’s Facebook page has over 70,000 likes. Some of their stories have reached millions of people, triggering change, conversations and even leading to questions in Parliament.