Organisation Name: Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation
Contact Parson: Mr.Rajendar Kumar Kataria IAS
Country: India
Email Id:
Facebook Page:
Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) in its 55 years of journey stands best among the state road transport undertakings in the country, having 8,419 buses with a staff strength of 37,831 employees serving 26.5 lakh passengers, covering 27.1 lakh kms per day and spreading its bus network to seven neighbouring states and earning average daily revenue of Rs. 8 crores.
AWATAR – Any Where Any Time Advance Reservation System is the first state road transport undertaking in India to have a Web-based passenger seat reservation system. It has facilitated bookings of over 25,000 seats and 2,000 tickets daily through a mobile application with revenue accounting for more than 20 per cent. It supports 3,000 concurrent users and is scalable up to 5,000 concurrent user on demand basis. Passengers can book the ticket, including for return journey and plan their journey well in advance.
Booking at counters/franchisees:
- KSRTC operating counters: 121
- Private franchisee: 601 (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry, Telangana, Andra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa)
- Master franchisee: BangaloreOne, MobileOne
Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation was bestowed with ‘Award of Excellence’ for six years in a row by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, taking the total tally of awards for KSRTC to 100. Among these 100 were the National Public Transport Innovation Awards from ASRTU (Association of State Road Transport Undertakings), National e-Governance Award, National Transport Excellence Award, Geentech HR Excellence Award, Karnataka’s Best practice Award, India Bus Awards and Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award, among others.
Special Mention
Organisation Name: Desta Global
Contact Parson: Diksha Sekhri
Country: India
Email Id:
Facebook Page:
DestaGlobal is a social enterprise with the goal of improving livelihood of farmers in rural India, by providing them with information, innovation and technology. With this in mind, in March 2015, Desta started DestaTalk — an online/offline initiative tasked with fulfilling the information and knowledge needs of farmers.
DestaTalk provides timely and relevant information, education and news on agriculture and agri-business in local language. Farmers have appreciated our efforts, and within one year we have signed up over 20,000 farmers all over Maharashtra.
The platform operates an online portal to communicate directly with farmers. Its in-house team of agro-experts creates informative posts about crop schedules, nutrition, diseases, livestock management and sustainable agriculture. Every week, five to seven original and curated articles are posted on our website.
To reach the target market, Desta Global primarily uses WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, besides SMS and a telephony platform (, to post agricultural articles, infographics and tips on better farming.
In May 2015, DestaGlobal conducted an online photography contest to find out the reach of mobile and Internet in rural India. The farmers submitted agriculture-related photographs, and the winners were selected based on the number of votes each photograph got. This event was a great success and saw widespread participation from all regions of Maharashtra.
It also periodically conducts farmers’ meet and product demos (DestaMela) for which it invites agro-experts to discuss issues faced by farmers. Its goal is to build an all-India online community for farmers to share their experiences, discuss issues and get expert solutions.