Initiative: Haqdarshak
Organization: Haqdarshak Empowerment Solutions Pvt Ltd
Country: India
Facebook: @haqdarshak
Twitter: @haqdarshak
Haqdarshak is a repository of welfare schemes from all over the country in multiple regional languages, tailored exclusively to meet the entitlement needs of India’s rural and marginalised population. Through an app-based platform, Haqdarshak is trying to bridge the information and access gap between government welfare schemes and citizens. Further, the technology is built such that it personalises information based on a person’s eligibility and uses easy-to-understand videos to disseminate information about public schemes.
Haqdarshak uses Facebook to engage citizens with its videos and connect with audiences outside its network to increase brand visibility. It uses Twitter to share impact stories from the 10 states where it’s present and to push announcements, job postings and other updates. And it uses Instagram, and its carefully curated hashtags, to share photo stories from the hinterlands with audiences from India and the rest of the world.
Country: Pakistan
Twitter: @NearPeer
Nearpeer is a Web-based platform that offers online courses for students to study at their own convenience and significantly improve learning outcomes. The mission of Nearpeer is to make quality education accessible to each and every student in Pakistan where more than 20 million children are out of school. The platform leverages artificial intelligence on its platform to classify students into categories and offer low-cost tailor-made solutions for individual students, thus eliminating students’ need of attending expensive and far flung academies.
Nearpeer uses social media, primarily Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, for various purposes such as community mobilisation, community engagement, market validation and marketing. It uses Facebook groups for each vertical Nearpeer is operating in and populates it with thousands of students who engage in discussions on different topics relevant to their studies and education in general. Social media platforms also enable them to connect with students personally and give them free-of-cost guidance.